The 5K Down and Dirty Mud Run is this weekend, so I have been spending what time I have after work on training for that. Between training, commuting, dining and sleeping I haven't had a lot of time to continue the search for prospective Literary Agents.
I did run across a writing prompt the other day that I've been brainstorming on using as a short story to submit to a writing contest. The prompt is "You are the last person left on earth after widespread disease has killed everyone. Due to an immunity, you and you alone survived. What do you do now? Remember, you are the only person left alive."
This prompt appealed to me because during my drive home last weekend, I was pondering my own mortality and the afterlife. Driving through a desert wasteland does that to you. Anyway, I was wondering what it would be like if there wasn't any sort of afterlife and I think this prompt will be a good platform to kind of explore that thought. If I write it and finish it, I will post it here and ask for your opinion so I can get it primed and ready to win.
I have to really get crackin' on this. Deadlines are looming. I always do my best work under pressure, anyway.
Thanks for reading! =)